Campaign Update

Your last chance

This is the last weekend of our 2019 fundraising campaign.

In terms of raising awareness, the campaign has been a great success, with an estimated reach of more than a million people.

In terms of raising funds, the campaign has been less successful.

Our strategy was simple: we’d give away the ‘Sisters for Sale’ documentary for less than it was worth so that people could see for themselves exactly what we do, and why.

We hoped a lot of people would watch and respond to the documentary, and they have. We’ve had a truckload of positive feedback.

We also hoped a healthy proportion of those people would understand the true impact of human trafficking, and return to support our ongoing work against it – and many have.

We’ve now received 637 contributions totalling $6,833 to our fundraising page, which is amazing – but it’s not enough.

This weekend is your last chance to check out the film, book and podcast.

If you understand the importance of our work and want to make a positive change in the world, we need your support now at

We can make a very real difference against the global human trafficking crisis – but we can’t do it without you.

I’d like to thank all of our contributors, especially Nguyen An Le Thuy, Eugene Atwood, Nathan Buckley, Daniel Carriero, Ben Cooper, Jocelyn Kotary, Jeanie Mamula, Johanna Mesa Ramos, Jim Moua, Susan Randall, Stargates California, Raymond Wong, Malina Workman, and Thomas Wu.

Thanks so much,

– Ben

December 8, 2020


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Started this project 4 years ago

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